Saturday, November 8, 2008

ASMA Design turns evil eye towards Merc SL-Class

ASMA Mercedes SL
ASMA Mercedes SL

ASMA's latest adventures in bodykitting have been described as "working their magic," though that magic part seems like a stretch. If you think your Mercedes SL is nice, but would really benefit from some overwrought body mods, ASMA now has a collection of appliques that will fill the void. Ostentatiously ugly, without being outright hideous, ASMA's tweaks include a cow-catcheresque fascia, a ride height reduction, side sills, and a piece-de-resistance rear diffuser that would make a study hall doodler cringe. Of course the wheels have been sized up to something more akin to the hull diameter of a Trident submarine, and they're chrome, natch. Like any good train wreck, we just can't turn away

[Source: emercedesbenz]