Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Blind Cars

The test drive car designed for the blind, a university in the U.S. state of Maryland has been successful in the park.

University of Maryland in the test drive of the park, the eyes do not see 20 people, design by Virginia Tech University students to successfully maneuver the tool has a variety.

Sand to the open top car on a small some of the changes required by technological adaptation by emerging automobile, the roads are used to determine a laser sensor, the driver via vibrations, and when the speed will be a stimulus for what the jacket back on to drive forward a voice command from a headset is .

Virginia Tech University students designed by the car, U.S. National Federation of the Blind for the blind in 2004 to develop a car to start out on the contest, while in the case of Virginia Tech University in the competition the project was the only university.