Tuesday, November 2, 2010

BMW 5 Series has received five stars in crash test US NCAP

BMW 5 Series has received five stars in crash test US NCAP
The new BMW 5 Series Sedan sets high standards not only in quality and comfort, but also in driving safety. Another convincing proof of the exceptional qualities of this car were the results of crash tests US NCAP. BMW 5 Series Sedan - the only car the first time awarded with five stars on the basis of a new, more rigorous testing procedures established by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

In 2010, the crash test US NCAP was attended by 33 models of American, German and Asian automakers. The tests included head-on collision with an obstacle, side impact test and the vehicle overturn. These tests allow a high degree of reliability to assess the strength of the passenger compartment, as well as the real effectiveness of car security systems. Using sensors mounted on mannequins, estimated the risk of injury to passengers.