Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Two oriented Swedish invented "invisible" bicycle helmet - airbag

"We wanted to invent an invisible bicycle helmet to avoid having to breaking style. Now we," said Anna Haupt proudly. Oriented Swedish and her partner Teresa Alstin released by early next year called Hövding (translated something like "naglavnik) first to the market in Northern Europe.

At first glance it's just a scarf that wraps around your neck, but it has airbag. Built-in sensors detect unusual movements of your body and if that happens, shawl expands and makes something like a helmet on his head, which fitted in this way is ready to take quite hard. The invention is suitable for cyclists.

Both are oriented Swedish industrial engineers working on the project six years. Both are done with graduate work at the University of Lund, and even then set themselves the task to invent an invisible bicycle helmet. The price of the helmet - Invisibility now calculated at 320 euros.

See how it works.