Wednesday, May 13, 2009

World's Fastest Jet Pack vs. Ford Focus RS

We're all for alternative forms of transportation here at Autoblog, and we're not just talking about hydrogen fuel cells and lithium ion batteries, either. We're talking jet packs! Eric Scott is a 46-year-old Go Fast! Jet Pack pilot from Denver who became the first jet-propelled man to cross the 1,053ft-wide Royal Gorge Canyon in his home state of Colorado last year. This past week he also became the fastest jet-propelled man alive when he was clocked going 68 mph at Knockhill Racing Circuit in Scotland. What better way to follow up a record-setting jet pack run than to drag race a Ford Focus RS? The impromptu race occurred at the circuit with BTCC champ Gordon Shedden behind the wheel of the lime green Focus RS. Who do you think won? We'll tell you now because it's not altogether obvious in the video after the jump. The jet-propelled man narrowly beat out the Focus, but considering Scott's rig can only carry 30 seconds worth of fuel, we think the Ford could take him with a little more road.